Subsidies in India
The Indian
government,since Independence has been subsidizing many industries
and products, from gasoline to food. Loss-making state-owned
enterprises are supported by the government. Farmers are given electricity for
free.Overall, a 2005 article by
International Herald Tribune stated that subsidies amounted to 14% of GDP.As much as 39 % of
subsidized kerosene is stolen.
On the other hand, India spends relatively
little on education, health, or infrastructure. Urgently needed infrastructure
investment has been much lower than in China. According to the UNESCO, India has
the lowest public expenditure on higher education per student in the world.
India's vast subsidies have been severely
criticised by the World Bank as increasing economic inefficiency.
However, this argument against subsidies in India does not consider the fact
that just agricultural and fisheries subsidies form over 40% of the EU budget
(see Agricultural
subsidy) although in Europe only fraction of the people compared to
India will be affected. This fact is also true of United States and most other
Western countries.
A subsidy, often
viewed as the converse of a tax, is an instrument of fiscal policy.
Derived from the Latin word ‘subsidium’, a subsidy literally implies coming to
assistance from behind. However, their beneficial potential is at its best when
they are transparent, well targeted, and suitably designed for practical
Like indirect taxes, they
can alter relative prices and budget constraints and thereby affect decisions
concerning production, consumption and allocation of resources. Subsidies in
areas such as education, health and environment at times merit justification on
grounds that their benefits are spread well beyond the immediate recipients, and
are shared by the population at large, present and future. For many other
subsidies, however the case is not so clear-cut. Arising due to extensive
governmental participation in a variety of economic activities, there are many
subsidies that shelter inefficiencies or are of doubtful distributional
credentials. Subsidies that are ineffective or distortionary need to be weaned
out, for an undiscerning, uncontrolled and opaque growth of subsidies can be
deleterious for a country’s public finances.
In India, as also elsewhere, subsidies now
account for a significant part of government’s expenditures although, like that
of an iceberg,
only their tip may be visible. These implicit subsidies not only cause a
considerable draft on the already strained fiscal resources, but may also fail
on the anvil of equity and efficiency as has already been pointed out above.
In the context of their economic effects,
subsidies have been subjected to an intense debate in India in recent years.
Issues like the distortionary effects of agricultural subsidies on the cropping
pattern, their impact on inter-regional disparities in development, the
sub-optimal use of scarce inputs like water and power induced by subsidies, and
whether subsidies lead to systemic inefficiencies have been examined at length.
Inadequate targeting of subsidies has especially been picked up for discussion.
This paper based on the study conducted by
Srivastava, Sen et al. under the aegis of National Institute of Public Finance
and Policy, and the discussion paper brought out by Department of Economic
Affairs( Ministry of Finance) in 1997, aims to provide a comprehensive estimate
of budget-based subsidies in India. In addition, recent trends have been
included from the Economic Survey for the year 2004-05. Attention is focused on
bringing out the magnitude of the implicit subsidies, in addition to the
explicit ones, to form an idea as to how heavy a draft do they constitute on
the fiscal resources of the economy.
Subsidy: Meaning and economic rationale
The Oxford English Dictionary defines subsidy as “money granted by State,
public body etc to keep up the prices of stationaries etc”
Subsidies, by means of creating a wedge
between consumer prices and producer costs, lead to changes in demand/ supply
decisions. Subsidies are often aimed at :
1. inducing higher
consumption/ production
2. offsetting market
imperfections including internalisation of externalities;
3. achievement of social
policy objectives including redistribution of income, population control, etc.
Forms of subsidies
A cash payment to producers/consumers is an
easily recognisable form of a subsidy. However, it also has many invisible
forms. Thus, it may be hidden in reduced tax-liability, low interest government
loans or government equity participation. If the government procures goods,
such as food grains, at higher than market prices or if it sells as lower than
market prices, subsidies are implied.
Transfers and Subsidies
Transfers which are straight income
supplements need to be distinguished from subsidies. An unconditional transfer
to an individual would augment his income and would be distributed over the
entire range of his expenditures. A subsidy however refers to a specific good,
the relative price of which has been lowered because of the subsidy with a view
to changing the consumption/ allocation decisions in favour of the subsidised
goods. Even when subsidy is hundred percent, i.e. the good is supplied free of
cost, it should be distinguished from an income-transfer (of an equivalent
amount) which need not be spent exclusively on the subsidised good.
Transfers may be preferred to subsidies on
the ground that i) any given expenditure of State funds will increase welfare
more if it is given as an income-transfer rather than via subsidising the price
of some commodities, and ii) transfer payments can be better targeted at a
specific income groups as compared to free or subsidised goods.
Mode of administering a subsidy
The various alternative modes of
administering a subsidy are:
1. Subsidy to producers
2. Subsidy to consumers
3. Subsidy to producers of
4. Production/sales through
public enterprises
5. Cross
Subsidy targeting
Subsidies can be distributed among
individuals according to a set of selected criteria, e.g. 1) merit, 2)
income-level, 3)social group etc. two types of errors arise if proper targeting
is not done, i.e. exclusion errors and inclusion errors. In the former case,
some of those who deserve to receive a subsidy are excluded, and in the latter
case, some of those who do not deserve to receive subsidy get included in the
subsidy programme.
Effects of subsidies
Economic effects of subsidies can be broadly
grouped into
1. Allocative effects: these
relate to the sectoral allocation of resources. Subsidies help draw more resources
towards the subsidised sector
2. Redistributive effects:
these generally depend upon the elasticities of demands of the relevant groups
for the subsidised good as well as the elasticity of supply of the same good
and the mode of administering the subsidy.
3. Fiscal effects: subsidies
have obvious fiscal effects since a large part of subsidies emanate from the
budget. They directly increase fiscal deficits. Subsidies may also indirectly
affect the budget adversely by drawing resources away from tax-yielding sectors
towards sectors that may have a low tax-revenue potential.
4. Trade effects: a regulated
price, which is substantially lower than the market clearing price, may reduce
domestic supply and lead to an increase in imports. On the other hand,
subsidies to domestic producers may enable them to offer internationally
competitive prices, reducing imports or raising exports.
Subsidies may also lead to perverse or
unintended economic effects. They would result in inefficient resource
allocation if imposed on a competitive market or where market imperfections do
not justify a subsidy, by diverting economic resources away from areas where
their marginal productivity would be higher. Generalised subsidies waste
resources; further, they may have perverse distributional effects endowing
greater benefits on the better off people. For example, a price control may lead to lower
production and shortages and thus generate black markets resulting in profits to
operators in such markets and economic rents to privileged people who
have access to the distribution of the good concerned at the controlled price.
Subsidies have a tendency to self-perpetuate.
They create vested interests and acquire political hues. In addition, it is
difficult to control the incidence of a subsidy since their effects are
transmitted through the mechanism of the market, which often has imperfections
other than those addressed by the subsidy. On 29 June 2012, C Rangarajan,
Chairman of the Prime Minister's Advisory Council in view of present difficult
economic position, advocated cutting down of fuel and fertiliser subsidies to
keep the fiscal deficit within the budgetted level of 5.1 per cent.
Subsidy issues in India
Subsidies have proliferated in India for several reasons. In
particular this proliferation can be traced to 1)the expanse of governmental
activities 2) relatively weak determination of governments to recover costs
from the respective users of the subsidies, even when this may be desirable on economic
grounds, and 3) generally low efficiency levels of governmental activities.
In the context of their economic effects,
subsidies have been subjected to an intense debate in India in recent years.
Some of the major issues that have emerged in the literature are indicated
§ Whether the magnitude and
incidence of subsidies, explicit and implicit, have spun out of control; their
burden on government finances being unbearable, and their cost being felt in
terms of a decline of real public investment in agriculture.
§ Whether agricultural
subsidies distort the cropping pattern and lead to inter-regional disparities
in development
§ Whether general subsidies
on scarce inputs like water and power have distorted
their optimal allocation
§ Whether subsidies basically
cover only inefficiencies in the provision of governmental services
§ Whether subsidies like
(food subsidies) have a predominant urban bias
§ Whether subsidies are
§ Whether subsidies have a
deleterious effect on general economic growth of sectors not covered by the
§ Whether agricultural
subsidies are biased against small and marginal farmers
§ How should government
services be priced or recovery rates determined
§ What is the impact of
subsidies on the quality of environment and ecology
Sustainability Issues
An example of potential environmental or
sustainability issues arising from the current subsidy structure can be seen
interrelated problems of water and energy consumption in the agricultural
During the Green Revolution in the 1960s and 70s,
India’s agricultural productivity grew greatly, in part due to a dramatic
increase in agricultural irrigation, particularly from groundwater sources.
While that increase in irrigation has helped
the nation feed itself, it has also created a groundwater crisis, the
dimensions of which have become increasingly clear in recent years. Groundwater tables are
falling in many areas of the country, from around 20 cm per year in Punjab
to 3 to 5 meters per year in parts of Gujarat. The medium to long-term risks to
agriculture in such a scenario range from an eventual decline in water resources,
to the intrusion of salt-water in coastal areas.
As groundwater tables drop, the pumping of
groundwater from deeper and deeper wells requires an ever-increasing amount of
electricity. Because electricity for agriculture is subsidized, there is little
incentive for farmers to adopt water-saving techniques, creating a vicious
circle of water and energy consumption
Recently, the government of Gujarat has
engaged in a pilot program to experiment with ways to shift incentives for
farmers toward more water- and energy-efficient technologies and practices.
Methodology for estimation of subsidies in
Alternative approaches and conventions have
evolved regarding measurement of the magnitude of subsidies. Two major
conventions relate to measurement through (i) budgets, and (ii) National
Accounts. The latter estimates comprise explicit subsidies, and certain direct
payments to producers in the private or public sectors (including compensation
for operating losses for public undertakings) that are treated as subsidies.
This, however, does not encompass all the implicit subsidies.
The estimates of budgetary subsidies are
computed as the excess of the costs of providing a service over the recoveries
from that service. The costs have been taken as the sum of:
1. revenue expenditure on the
concerned service
2. annual depreciation on
cumulative capital expenditure for the creation of physical assets in the
3. Interest-cost (computed at
the average rate of interest actually paid by the
respective governments) of cumulative capital expenditure, equity investments
in public enterprises, and loans given for the service concerned including
those to the public enterprises. The recoveries are the current receipts from a
service, which are usually in the form of user charges, fees, interest receipts
and dividends.
Mathematically, the subsidy (S) in a service
is obtained by:
S = RX + (d + i) K + i ( Z + L ) - ( RR + I +
D )
RX = revenue expenditure on the service
L = sum of loans advanced for the service at the beginning of the period
K = sum of capital expenditure on the service excluding equity investment at the beginning of the period.
Z = sum of equity and loans advanced to public enterprises classified within the service category at the beginning of the period.
RR = revenue receipts from the service
I + D = interest, dividend and other revenue receipts from public enterprises falling within the service category.
d = depreciation rate
i = interest rate
RX = revenue expenditure on the service
L = sum of loans advanced for the service at the beginning of the period
K = sum of capital expenditure on the service excluding equity investment at the beginning of the period.
Z = sum of equity and loans advanced to public enterprises classified within the service category at the beginning of the period.
RR = revenue receipts from the service
I + D = interest, dividend and other revenue receipts from public enterprises falling within the service category.
d = depreciation rate
i = interest rate
Services provided by the govt are grouped
under the broad categories of general, social and economic services.
General services consist of i) organs of
state ii) fiscal services iii) administrative services iv) defence services,
and v) miscellaneous services. These services can be taken as public goods
because they satisfy, in general, the criteria of non-rival consumption and
non-excludability. The entitlement to these services is common to all citizens.
Since they are to be treated as public goods, they are assumed to be financed
through taxes.
Important service categories in social
services are i) education consisting of general education, technical education,
sports and youth services, and art and culture, ii) health and family welfare,
iii) water supply, sanitation, housing and urban development, iv)information
and broadcasting, v) labour and employment and vi) social welfare and
Under the heading of economics services, the
following are included i) agriculture and allied activities, ii) rural
development, iii) special area programmes, iv)irrigation and flood control,
v)energy, vi)industry and minerals, vii) transport, viii) communications, ix)
science technology and environment and x)general economic services.
In the estimation of subsidies these
governmental services are divided into three groups:
Group1: all general services, secretariat
expenses in social and economics services, and expenditure on natural
calamities are included in this subgroup. Being public goods, these are
financed out of taxation and are therefore not included in the estimation of
Group 2: it consists of services with strong
externalities associated with them. In the case of these services, it is
arguable that even though the exclusion may be possible, these ought to be treated
as merit goods or near-public goods. The
provision of subsidies is most justified in this case. Near zero recovery rates
in these cases only indicate the societal judgement that these may be financed
out of tax-revenues.
Merit social services: elementary education,
public health, sewerage and sanitation, information and publicity, welfare of
SC, ST’s and OBC’s, labour, social welfare and nutrition etc.
Merit economic services: soil and water
conservation, environmental forestry and wildlife, agricultural research and
education, flood control and drainage, roads and bridges, space research,
oceanographic research, other scientific research, ecology and environment and
Group 3: all the remaining services are
clubbed under this head. In these cases consumption is rival and exclusion is
possible, therefore cost-recovery is possible through user charges. These
services are regarded as non-merit services in the estimation of subsidies.
The distinction between merit and non merit
services is based on the perceived strong externalities associated with the
merit services. However, it does not imply that the subsidisation in their case
needs to be hundred percent. In addition, even if small recoveries are
advocated for merit services, the issues relating to the costs of their
provision, leakages to non-target beneficiaries, and their effectiveness in
attaining the objectives for which they are provided, need to be examined. It
also does not mean that there are no externalities associated with non-merit
services, or that the subsidies associated with them should be completely
Central government subsidies
Trends in the subsidies given by Central
Government ( Year 1994-95)
§ The bulk of the Central
Govt’s subsidies arise on the provision of economic services, which account for
88% of the total subsidies (10% on merit services and 78% on non-merit).
§ The recovery rates in the
social end economic services are very low (around 10%).
§ Subsidies on non-merit
goods are more than five times those on merit goods, which reflects on an
unduly large and ill-directed subsidy regime.
§ The bulk of subsidies on
merit goods go for the construction of roads and bridges, followed by
elementary education and scientific research.
§ Amongst non-merit services,
the biggest recipients are industries and agriculture and allied services.
§ 78% of subsidies which go
for non-merit economic services are amenable to economic pricing. Even if one
allows for a part of these subsidies being given in the interest of
redistribution or provision of human needs, a substantial part must be due to
inefficiency costs of public provision of these services and/or inessential
input or output subsidies.
§ Subsidies to Central Public
Enterprises are estimated separately as the excess of imputed return on the
equity held and loans given by the central government to these enterprises,
over actual receipts in the form of dividends and interests. Subsidy in this
manner is calculated for each enterprise. They are aggregated according to
cognate groups.
Each cognate group has some enterprises that
receive a subsidy and some surplus units. However, there are four groups where
no unit is able to show a surplus viz: coal and lignite, power,
agro-based goods and tourist services.
Explicit subsidies of the Centre
The most important explicit subsidies
administered through the Central Government budget are food and fertilizer
subsidies, and until recently, export subsidies. These subsidies account for
about 30% of the total central subsidies in a year and have grown at a rate of
approx 10% per annum over the period 1971-72 to 1996-97.
The relative importance of different explicit
subsidies has changed over the years. E.g., food subsidies accounted for about
70% of total Central explicit subsidies in 1974-75. Since then, its relative
share fell steadily reaching its lowest of 20.15% in 1990-91. Thence onwards,
it has risen steadily reaching a figure of 40% in 1995-96.Export subsidies have
been on the decline except for the spurt in the late 1980s, whereas the
relative share of the food subsidies has been rising although in a cyclical pattern.
As a proportion of GDP, explicit Central govt
subsidies were just about 0.305 in 1971-72. they continued to increase steadily
reaching a peak of 2.38% in 1989-90. after this during the reform years, the
explicit subsidies as a proportion of GDP have continued to decline.
Public Policy
In the last quarter of 20th century, Indian
governments began procuring condoms on large scale to facilitate national
population control schemes by reselling them at subsidised prices.
Recent trends
Expenditure on major subsidies has increased
in nominal terms from Rs. 9,581 crore in 1990-91 to Rs.40, 416 crore in
2002-03. It was budgeted to increase by 20.3 percent to Rs.48, 636 crore in
2003-04. Expenditure on major subsidies as per cent of revenue expenditure
after declining from 13.0 per cent in 1990-91 to 8.7 per cent in1995-96 started
rising to reach a level of 9.6 per cent in 1998-99. In 2002-03, expenditure on
major subsidises increased to 11.9 per cent from 10.0 per cent in 2001-02. With
the dismantling of the administered price mechanism for petroleum products from
1 April 2002, subsidies in respect of LPG and kerosene distributed through the public distribution system are now explicitly
reflected in the budget. This partially explains the spurt of 35.3 per cent in
the expenditure on major subsidies in 2002-03. The spurt in major subsidies in
2002-03 was also because of an increase in food subsidy by Rs. 6,677 crore
necessitated by the widespread drought in the country. Some of the major
initiatives taken so far to rationalise the budgetary subsidies include
targeted approach to food subsidy (BPL families) under Public Distribution
System, allowing Food Corporation of India (FCI) to access market
loans carrying lower interest rates, encouraging private trade in food grains,
liquidating excess food grain stocks, replacing unit based retention price
scheme with a group based scheme in the case of fertiliser subsidies and
proposed phasing out of subsidies on PDS kerosene and LPG. (Economic Survey for
the year 2004-05)
Subsidies of state governments
Subsidies given by 15 non-special category
States were estimated for 1993-94, the latest year for which reasonably
detailed data were available for all these States. The trends thrown up by the
study are:
§ Subsidies in social
services and economic services both constitute half each of the total subsidies
given by the States.
§ The proportion of merit
subsidies is much higher in social services vis-à-vis economic services.
§ The overall recovery rate
is 5.81% of the total cost (less than 2% in social services and approx. 9% in
economic services).
§ There is a distinct
tendency for the per capita subsidies to rise as the per capita incomes rise.
§ None of the 15 States
spends more than 30-35% of total subsidies on merit goods.
§ The recovery rates for
merit services show variation in a narrow band whereas the largest variations
are recorded for recovery rates for non-merit economic services.
§ The near zero surpluses for
all services show that subsidies are mainly financed by tax-revenues and
borrowing in the States.
§ More than one-fifth of
non-merit social subsidies accrue to education, sports and art & culture.
§ In economic services, irrigation accounts for nearly a
quarter of services whereas power accounts for around 12%.
§ Lastly, subsidies to
States’ public enterprises are large but recovery in the form of interests and
dividends is extremely low.
Centre and states: aggregate budget-based
Total non-merit subsidy for the Central and
State governments taken together amount to Rs. 102145.24 crore in 1994-95,
which is 10.71% of GDP at market prices. The share
of Central government in this is 35.37%, i.e. roughly half of corresponding
State government subsidies. The recovery-rate for the Centre, in the case of
non-merit subsidies, is 12.13%, which is somewhat higher than the corresponding
figure of 9.28% for the States. The difference in recovery rates is striking
for non-merit social services, being 18.14% for the centre and 3.97% for the
States. It is only marginally different for non-merit economic services (11.65%
for Centre and 12.87% for States) where, in fact, States do better.
The total non-merit subsidies for the year
1994-95 amounted to 10.71% of GDP at market prices, resulting in a combined
fiscal deficit of 7.3% for the Centre, States and Union Territories. Therefore,
if these subsidies were phased out, the same would have a discernible impact on
the fiscal deficit. It can be done by increasing the relevant user charges,
which would also lead to a reduction in their demand. Apart from these first
round effects, there would also be positive secondary effects on fiscal
deficit, as the overall efficiency in the economy rises with an improved
utilisation of scarce resources like water, power and petroleum. With an
increase in efficiency, the consequent expansion of tax-bases and rise in
tax-revenues would further reduce the fiscal deficit.
Benefits of subsidies
The relative distribution of the benefits of
a subsidy may be studied with respect to different classes or groups of
beneficiaries such as consumers and producers, as also between different
classes of consumers and producers.
§ In case of food subsidy,
PDS suffers from considerable leakage and apart from a low coverage of poor;
the magnitude of benefit derived by the poor is very small.
§ In case of electricity, the
subsidy rates have been rising for both agriculture and domestic sectors
because the unit cost has been rising faster than the relevant tariff-rate.
Also, there is considerable variation in the level of per capita electricity subsidy indicates that, in
the richer States, the per capita subsidy is substantially higher as compared
to that in the poorer States.
§ In case of public
irrigation, water has a very high marginal productivity when used in
conjunction with HYV of seeds, chemical fertilisers, power and other related
inputs. It is the richer farmers who may derive relatively larger benefits
because of their capacity to use these allied inputs.
§ Subsidies to elementary
education form about half of the total subsidies on general education. However,
this is not true for all individual States: the share of elementary education
is lowest in the high income States and the highest in the low income States
(Goa, Punjab and West Bengal actually give higher subsidies to secondary
education than primary education).A negative correlation between the level of per capita income and the share of subsidies
to elementary education is thus discernible. Most subsidies to higher education
accrue predominantly to the better-off sections of society as they have an
overwhelming advantage in competing out prospective candidates from the poorer
sections in getting admission to courses that are characterised by scarcity of
§ For subsidies of health,
the greater emphasis on curative health care expenditure often reflects a bias
towards the better-off people whereas preventive health care expenditure with
much larger externalities would clearly be of greater help to the economically
weaker sections of the society.
Agenda for reform
The study brings to the fore the massive
magnitude of subsidies in the provision of economic and social services by the
government. Even if merit subsidies are set aside, the remaining subsidies
alone amount to 10.7% of GDP, comprising 3.8% and 6.9% of GDP, pertaining to
Centre and State subsidies respectively. The average all-India recovery rate
for these non-merit goods/services is just 10.3%, implying a subsidy rate of
almost 90%.
The macroeconomic costs of unjustified subsidies
are mirrored in persistent large fiscal deficits and consequently higher
interest rates. In addition, unduly high levels of subsidisation reflected in
corresponding low user charges produce serious micro-economic distortions as
well. Its prime manifestations include excessive demand for subsidised
services, distortions in relative prices and misallocation of resources. These
are discernible in the case of certain input based subsidies. These problems
are further compounded where the subsidy regime is plagued by leakages which
ensure neither equity nor efficiency.
The agenda for reform should therefore focus
§ Reducing the overall scale
of subsidies
§ Making subsidies as
transparent as possible
§ Using subsidies for well
defined economic objectives
§ Focusing subsidies to final
goods and services with a view to maximising their impact on the target
population at minimum cost
§ Instituting systems for
periodic review of subsidies
§ Setting clear limits on
duration of any new subsidy schemes
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